We have been pleasantly surprised with the customer response to our Faire Frou Frou and Honeydew ruffle panties! The Faire Frou Frou tutu panties have not officially been launched yet (so more on that at a later date!), but the Honeydew Intimates have been a smash hit. The mesh ruffle panties are wonderfully priced and come in a variety of color combinations and patterns (as shown in the photo). Our favorite has been the white ruffle panty with the tiny pink hearts pattern - sooo cute!
Some customers ask whether they could wear these panties under their jeans - I'm not going to suggest that. I usually wear mine with a wrap dress or a skirt that isn't too clingy. They are so fun to wear...we will so launch the full collection on www.fairefroufrou.com. We'll keep you posted!
Everyone loves a little frou-frou!

at Thursday, 19 October 2006.