Recently picked up a cleanly designed, ultra-modern chest of drawers for extra storage, yet can't seem to stop looking at complex, ornate and embellished pieces of furniture. It's all about textures and layers these days, and love the worldly, well-travelled look that's showing up in décors all over the place. Quite taken with this Pink Mother of Pearl Inlay Chest of Drawers (above), which is really quite festive, and for fabric textures, Ruth Singer's chair (below) is a wonderful combination of rustic and delicate.
{And thanks to those of you who were wondering about the lack of updates and took the time to write. It's been a busy few weeks and only began slowly down in the past week, so decided to take some off for unfinished projects . . . not to mention the social engagements are beginning to pile up--Monday evening, we're attending an event at my friend Derek's restaurant with Padma Lakshmi of Top Chef. Should be a lovely night!}Geometric bedside table with intricately inlaid bone and bone hexagonal knobs
Black with bone inlaid floral design mirror from Jaipur
{textural healing}