Now that France's President Nicholas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni have wed in a private civil ceremony {conducted by the Mayor of the 8th district of Paris} this weekend, the super-sexy Italian-born brunette heiress can add First Lady to her already impressive résumé of supermodel and talented muscian.
Was on the official Carla Bruni site in hopes of finding wedding photos, but instead found these charming, charming images of her in her studio, shot by Bharat Sikka. My favourite shot being of her desk, simply because have always thought one can tell so much about a person by her workspace . . .
Hectic weekend, and in between a house full of guests and champagne and oysters, stole a few moments to leave a few thank you's:
Thanks to Claudia at Ferret & Hound {interiors} for including The English Countryside and Bon Soir, Valentino and Farewell as top posts for January.
Special thanks to Pomegrenate and Patchouli for this lovely award.
Thanks to Melissa at The Inspired Room for inviting me to be a part of her ever-popular Inspiration Week series, which begins with an interview with Interior Designer and author, Alexandra Stoddard.
Thanks for the tag:
All Things Bright and Beautiful
What Makes Me Tick?
Vie Chaotique
Was also delighted to discover the stunningly beautiful {new blog links layout} at Creature Comforts that was unveiled this weekend -- this new feature is beautifully laid out and fantastic!
{happy February}