{happy weekend + lovely letters}

{beautiful sample of Karl Lagerfeld's photographic work for Chanel}

Late Thursday morning, I received a perfectly delightful e-mail from Glamorous reader Joy, who was fortunate enough to happen upon a Karl Lagerfeld photoshoot while out enjoying the Spring sunshine the previous day:

"This is glamorous! Love, love, love your blog and read it daily!

While running around town yesterday, I stumbled upon a Karl Lagerfeld shoot for Fendi. Karl himself was taking many of the photos. It was a perfect 60 degrees and all the onlookers sat quietly taking the experience in. Surely, it was a nice way to kill an hour. It's amazing what you see day to day on the streets of New York.

Thought you would enjoy these photos!"

{images 2 - 4 property of Joy M., NYC}

You may or may not know that the world-famous couturier, {currently for Fendi, Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld}, is also famous for his photography as well as his designs and has published more than 20 books of photography. Joy managed to snap some wonderful candid shots of the designer {including behind the lens!}, and so thoughtfully sent them along . . .

{with Kate, via glamchic}

{Top image: Advertisement: Chanel; Photographer: Karl Lagerfeld; Season: S/S 2005; Model: Daria Werbowy}

Posted in , , , , , by ekkii at Friday, 28 March 2008.

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