{a letter from Sarah Watson:}
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the This is Glamorous Top Five Tuesday draw. It was so lovely to see such nice comments about our shower curtain, even if prompted by the prospect of a free one.
The Catherine shower curtain was designed by us here in London but it is actually made by wonderful linen factory in Lithuania. We designed it on paper before we’d even thought about fabric. We loved the idea of ruffles, but finding a linen that worked with them proved a real challenge, and in the end, our partner had to weave a fabric especially. We’ve only produced 150 – so they’re pretty special.
. . .and the winner is . . .
Christine in Boston {Congratulations!}
The winner was randomly selected, but special mention must go to Marissa who used the term Victorian Pantalones: not used often enough and has made us begin to think about other fabulous designs. Suzy with the Irving Berlin poem, and Chellie D for being the first person to electronically bat eyelashes at us. Oh, and All Things Bright and Beautiful for persistence and making us chuckle! And finally, Heather, we absolutely think more young boys should be surrounded by ruffles.
{Have a great Friday the 13th and a fantastic weekend, everyone!}
Christine, please e-mail your contact information, and the parcel will be shipped from London, England
{images: "Republican Party" by Bruce Weber for W July 2002}
{happy weekend + and the winner is . . .}

Posted in
bruce weber,
Natalia Vodianova,
at Thursday, 12 June 2008.