Perusing studio ilse's impressive portfolio recently, in a search for what Vogue magazine has named 'the most glamorous place in London to drink cocktails' {above}, and was reminded of the many other lovely, lovely places the studio has created.
Ilse Crawford, Creative Director & Designer, explains a part of her method as, ". . . there is the kind of arranging which is from using things a lot. Somehow then they always find their place. Things (and people) look best if they are touched regularly!"studio ilse creates environments that "resonate emotionally, subliminally, and sensorially. expressive design that communicates to us on a primal level and addresses our human needs."
"Any amateur can be a minimalist: emptiness is easy. Clutter is hard. There's a fine line between an "artful jumble" and "my life is a mess."
You may also remember some of the studio's wonderful {and still cool} furniture designs, {below}, from 2005.
{See also the beautiful Aesop store}
{all images from; quotes from The New York Times}
{emptiness is easy}