Apartment Therapy's 11 Tips for Slowing Down really struck a chord, as I sleep less and less and find myself buried under more projects, appointments, social engagements, and never-ending to-do lists, and while it's great to be busy, it's always wonderful to take a few moments out . . .
{tip #4:}
• This goes along with doing one thing at a time and is the hardest thing for us: don't open tabs in your browser. Only read one website at a time and don't open 16 more in tabs to read later. Just one at a time (and don't spend all night doing it either!).Besides having a myriad of tabs and applications open, the lack of sleep, and constant e-mailing checking {BlackBerrys did make it to The City of Light, despite good intentions}, realize that the times that I feel most relaxed is when we drop everything and drive out of the city for a weekend get-away . . .
One of my favourite times where I felt completely and perfectly carefree was {here}
{perfectly carefree}

Posted in
Apartment Therapy,
julia stegner,
solve sundsbo
at Tuesday, 19 August 2008.