Alison of Faire Frou Frou & Yasmine from the Giving Tea
We would like to thank everyone who made our Trunk Show a wonderful success! The goal of the event was not only to shop, but to raise funds for at-risk young girls from Longfellow Elementary School. The wonderful group of women who attended, many from local Giving Tea groups, raised nearly $1,000!
According to event organizer Yasmine, the girls we raised money for "are considered "at-risk" and will be steered in a positive direction through etiquette classes and other club activities designed to empower them. We raised money for a surprise end of year event for the girls...a visit to Huntington Gardens to have tea!"
A special thank you to the amazing Yasmine Delawari for assisting us with organizing this event.

According to event organizer Yasmine, the girls we raised money for "are considered "at-risk" and will be steered in a positive direction through etiquette classes and other club activities designed to empower them. We raised money for a surprise end of year event for the girls...a visit to Huntington Gardens to have tea!"
A special thank you to the amazing Yasmine Delawari for assisting us with organizing this event.
We would also like to thank Erin Delawari from Longfellow Elementary, Safia from SAFIA jewelry, Amy Rodrigues for the yummy cupcakes, the ladies of the Pasadena and Sherman Oaks Giving Tea, and everyone who attended!