Flipping through a past issue of domino and happily came across Alexander Wang's NYC apartment {above, styled by Lili Diallo} and remembered completely falling for its perfect mix of rock + refined -- a Terry Richardson photo hangs above the bed and beside a fantastically pretty flea market dresser about which Wang has said, "People are so self- conscious and afraid of things that might make them look cheesy. The coolest people are the ones who aren't afraid to look like dorks."
above + below: images of the bedroom from decorator and friend Ryan Korban's porfolio
above: amazing leather handbag {definitely on the fall shopping list} and shoes with see-through heels from the fall 2009 collection + a sexy, body-conscious dress from the resort 2010 collection
above: home office with perfectly arranged and framed portraits of models styled as oil-field workers, drifters and miners
above + below: bright and spacious new office space photographed by Todd Selby
above: a perfect mix of rock + refined
above + below: worn leather Chesterfield sofa
above: among the coffee table books is the work of iconoclastic photographer Helmut Newton
above: an all-time favourite from the resort 2010 collection -- assymetrical + blue sequins
{images: 1, 5, 9, 11 - photography by david black for domino magazine february 2008; 2 + 3 - ryan korban via desire to inspire;4 - nitrolicious + style.com; 6, 7, 8, 10 - the selby; 12 - style.com}
{at home with: alexander wang}

Posted in
alexander wang,
at home with,
david black,
fall collection,
helmut newton,
lili diallo,
resort collection,
ryan korban,
terry richardson,
the selby
at Monday, 10 August 2009.