{newsy bits: media & press}

. . . many wonderfully exciting things recently, and between projects and appointments, christmas-y things and dashing off to holiday festivities, had nearly forgotten:

* a fun mention: jewelry designer pamela tuohy-novinsky's vivanista high five favorite blogs
* a guest post: from early last week for at home in arkansas magazine, complete with a perfectly lovely introduction . . .

. . . and most of all, a very special thank you to style at home magazine for including {this is glamorous} as one of the top 10 tastemakers of 2010 in their january trends issue! such a wonderful honour to be included in such esteemed company {click here to read the feature}

hope you're having a beautiful week,

Posted in , , , , , , , , , by ekkii at Monday, 30 November 2009.

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