Gorgeous Neutrals

images via Cerini.net

Nude lingerie never looked so good..truly. These pictures are incredibly sexy and instantly captured our attention. Our first thought was whose line is this for? It turns out these images aren't from a lingerie catalogue, but from an Argentinian hairdresser's website! Claudio Cerini is basically the Vidal Sassoon of South America (he even trained in Vidal Sassoon school almost 20 years ago).
Upon second glance, the hair does look pretty good on these ladies...but it's the overall styling, the beauty of the models and the talent of the photographer that make these images spectacular.
Truth be told, we didn't know that basic nude control top panties could look so amazing! Little did we know we had to put a cute patent leather belt over our undies to make them look better. We're also loving the puffy sleeve tops!
In any event, Cerini's catalogue of beautifully coifed models is worth a look; very impressive.

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Posted in , , by ekkii at Thursday, 11 February 2010.

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