{have a lovely weekend}

happy weekend

. . . soon it will be sunny afternoons on red sandy beaches and summer evenings dancing in the moonlight; but for now, it's the weekend and nearly spring, and much delighted by the thought of slowing things down, just a little, even if only for a few lovely & languorous days . . .

have a beautiful, beautiful weekend, everyone!

{a few lovely links:}
* daydreaming: florals + lace
* animal bookends: one & two
* runway: pom poms & feathers
* diy: wire and mirror inspiration boards & silk flowers
* like a fairytale: ballgowns & treetop chandeliers
* spring things: heath ceramics
* photography: pretty polaroids
* fantastically french: one & two
* diy: cross-stitch pendant lamp
* photography: underwater

{as always, a few things you may have missed:}
* inspiration: spring blossoms
* modern classics: wine decanter & water carafe
* two lovely things: paper & lace
* runway inspiration: chloé
* dreaming of: pink ruffles + vintage chandeliers
* photography: hèrmes & sparkling things
* a weekend away: montréal

{image: chanel}

Posted in , , , , , , by ekkii at Saturday, 13 March 2010.

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