Lillian Bassman - Iconic Photography

all images courtesy of & copyright Lillian Bassman

Lillian Bassman is one of the pioneers of fashion photography, having worked for Harper's Bazaar in the '50s and '60s and having created some of the iconic images we posted above. Only recently has there been a renewed interest in her legacy, with worldwide exhibitions and a new book featuring her work (which we recently purchased and love).
Bassman is known for her black & white intimate images of women, which are somewhat sensual and dreamlike. She is also known for having promoted and mentored photographer Richard Avedon. Her passion for perfection is so great that when Bassman became disenchanted with the world of fashion in the 1960s, she burnt the negatives to many years of her work and the rest she kept in a trash bag in her home. Only in recent years did she re-visit those salvaged images and find them worthy of sharing (thank goodness!).
Of course the lingerie pictures are perfect for our site and we had a feeling you would fall in love with her work just as we did!
Lillian Bassman is 93-years old and lives in Manhattan.

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Posted in , by ekkii at Thursday, 13 May 2010.

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