. . . hopelessly and happily spent after a week of dashing about, but utterly ecstatic to be in the midst of a perfect weekend, for no matter what wonderfully extravagant plans we may have, everything always seems to take on a little slower pace . . .
hope you're having a beautiful weekend,
{a few lovely links:}
* summer inspiration: sunday picnic with biscuits & honey
* sarah loves beige & i, gardénia, but both adore: les exclusifs de chanel
* perfect for daydreaming: a summer attic {jessica helgerson}
* have been wearing this forever, and so: was happy to read this
* equestrian style: perfectly preppy coat hooks
{as always, a few things this week you may have missed:}
* happy monday: & nate berkus
* two lovely things: summer wicker
* fashion inspiration: ewan mcgregor & natalia vodianova
* lookbook: by malene birger
* two lovely things: light & lavender
* hello: & brand new things
{& new for the weekend:}
* design inspiration: gracefully gilded
* runway inspiration: nina ricci, new york
{p.s.} thanks so much for all the wonderful thoughts, fun tweets, lovely comments & e-mails about the new changes around here!
. . . and for those that missed, new & wonderful things:
* photography | fashion | travel
* features & favourites
{images: editorial - storia d´amore, photography by kalle gustafsson for shufti}
{have a romantic weekend + late sunday links}

Posted in
Black and White Photography,
kalle gustafsson,
shufti magazine,
at Sunday, 20 June 2010.