Vogue Brazil Brides, photographer Renam Christofoletti, model Bruna Erhardt, images via here
Who needs to fuss over getting a wedding gown when it can so easily be upstaged by gorgeous wedding lingerie? This is kind of our fantasy wedding scenario, given our love of luxury lingerie... The lace, ruffles and flowers almost make you forget that the model is wearing everything but a skirt. Almost.
We love that Vogue Brazil put together a special bridal supplement featuring the lovely Bruna Erhardt modeling the very picture of femininity. It's all of these pretty details that remind us of why we love the lingerie world so much and why our boutique specializes in 'pretty' over the boring/functional.
We see something in each picture that we'd like, but probably love the details of the top picture the most (the lace, the buttons!).
What's your favorite look?
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