Martin Schoeller, talented New York based photographer, who traveled to the annual “Twins Days Festival” in Twinsburg, Ohio, to shoot pairs of identical twins for National Geographic Magazine. By using his signature Close-Up style, the portraits allow the viewer to explore the physical similarities between the pairs, complementing the story, which covered their psychological similarities. National Geographic featured these images side by side in a fold out spread and on the cover.
Twins by Martin Schoeller
Martin Schoeller, talented New York based photographer, who traveled to the annual “Twins Days Festival” in Twinsburg, Ohio, to shoot pairs of identical twins for National Geographic Magazine. By using his signature Close-Up style, the portraits allow the viewer to explore the physical similarities between the pairs, complementing the story, which covered their psychological similarities. National Geographic featured these images side by side in a fold out spread and on the cover.

Posted in
Portrait Photography
at Friday, 27 January 2012.