Faire Frou Frou; the victim of a water main break in Studio City, CA.

AP Photo/Mike Meadows
We are sad to report that Faire Frou Frou was the victim of a water main break in Studio City, CA this weekend. Our entire shopping center was submerged in water varying from 6" deep to 4' deep, and unfortunately mud and water soaked our entire shop. That being said, a clean-up crew was required to remove all items from our store to thoroughly clean so as to avoid mold damage. The project of assessing exactly how much was damaged in terms of merchandise, furniture and fixtures remains to be done this week.
In any event, we are hopeful that we will get our store back up and running by some point in October.
We will certainly keep you updated with when we expect to re-open our shop. Let's hope we can wrap all of this up quickly!
Luckily our online store is still unaffected, so if you need your frou-frou fix, shop with us at www.fairefroufrou.com.