Faire Frou Frou - Clean-Up & Renovation

Here's Faire Frou Frou boutique as of this weekend. Notice that not only are the walls half-gone, but the office and fitting rooms are missing! Even the chandeliers are gone! The green & white checkers, which will be re-painted, are all that remain.

This entire basket of bras (along with other baskets/boxes) was completely submerged in water. This particular Huit bra on top (which so many of you love) was sitting out in the 100 degree heat for several hours, and was still wet after all that time!

Faire Frou Frou shopping bags
Water damaged Faire Frou Frou bags and gift-wrap boxes. Such a shame; they hardly look as pretty as they should on the ground like that.

This was our carpeted area leading to the office. Off to the side are the heaps of bras that were in wicker baskets and subsequently got submerged under muddy water. We attempted to sort out what was ruined, and what could be saved. At least we cleaned out a lot of mud at that point! You don't even want to know the things that floated into our store - ickk!!

Faire Frou Frou post water damage2
The first day of clean-up. Piles of trash had to be thrown out; rugs, carpet, soggy boxes, base board, drywall, you name it!

Faire Frou Frou post water damage3
The store 2 days before everything was moved to a storage facility.

Here's Faire Frou Frou before the water damage. So much charm, warmth and life! We can't wait to bring that back!
Faire Frou Frou during the day

One week has passed since our store was submerged in muddy water from a nearby water main burst. And boy, a lot has happened in that time! In the period of about 5-6 days, we have had our store inventory & fixtures removed and shipped to a storage facility, and the shop itself has been dried out (we hope!) with heaters blasting day and night (and the store temperature was a miserable 120 degrees while everything was being cleared out - we've never been so hot!). Luckily we had a great team of people helping us - thank God!
At this very moment, our shop is empty; even the walls have been partially removed. Our fitting rooms and office have been torn out, our chandeliers have been packed, and pretty much everything that made Faire Frou Frou so beautiful is out of site.
We are being told that we will be up-and-running within a month (3-4 weeks). Actually, we've heard a bunch of estimates ranging from 1-2 weeks to 90 days. We're hoping it will only be about a month. In fact, we're very excited to start the renovation process! We already made some fun plans for how we will redecorate (don't worry, it won't be too different!) and we're very anxious to share these plans with you! This renovation project, though a bit stressful, is also an exciting opportunity for us. We are looking at the positive that has come out of this muddy mess, and hope to present you with a prettier, more updated Faire Frou Frou.
We hope and pray that everything with our insurance company and the DWP works out fairly. We're trying to remain positive that it will, and we're taking this upheaval one day at a time.

For you, our customers, please continue to shop with us online (fairefroufrou.com)! Also, if you have any special requests, you are welcome to contact us at 818-783-4970.
We look forward to sharing our news of our Grand Re-Opening date! Let's hope it's soon!

Posted in , , by ekkii at Sunday, 13 September 2009.

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