. . . it was one of those beautifully exhausting weekends filled with all the things of summertime -- rooftop dinner parties, waterfalls and picnics and late-august peaches, silvery clouds and astonishing riotously pink sunsets, sun-drenched drives with the top down along the coast, and most of all re-connecting with old friend & family once again after far too long . . .
happy monday! hope you had a wonderful weekend & that your week is off to a perfect start, roséline xo
{p.s.} a few late & lovely links soon, but for now, it's off to the shops, for it's p's birthday in two days' time, and have yet to find a gift!
a s p r o m i s e d : a f e w l o v e l y l i n k s
* décor inspiration: modern danish style
* print & pattern: gorman, australia
* at home: elegant fringes & watery hues
* architecture: made of concrete
* for crisp autumn mornings: lanvin's metallic tweed pleated skirt
* pretty, pretty: flowers everywhere
* in the kitchen: brunch
* at the office: brass index clips
* design: five from the ground
* fashion inspiration: goddess gowns for late-summer nights
* summer house: greek island, mykonos
* décor inspiration: on display
* notes from the weekend & a few lovely links
* table for two: ferrero rocher cupcakes
* at the shops: morning calm
* falling for fall: hermès orange
* favourite five: perfumer anne mcclain
{happy monday & a brand new week}
{as always, a few things you may have missed}
{images: self-portraits by madelene of le portillon}