Faire Frou Frou on Pinterest!

images via here

Just when you were thinking there weren't enough ways to follow Faire Frou Frou online, we add one more!  About a month or so ago we launched Faire Frou Frou on Pinterest.  It really is more of a personal inspiration board than a lingerie page or blog, but we figured that what inspires us might also inspire you!  That being said, we invite you to visit our Pinterest page and follow us.  So far it appears that our favorite pins involve pretty lipstick, sparkles, fashion and pretty kitchens, which tends to be the same things that those of you who read this blog enjoy.

This might be a good time for us to clarify all of the ways you can follow Faire Frou Frou on the internet:
Whew!  No wonder we are feeling so busy these days...so many websites to play with!  Thank you to our hardcore fans that follow us in each forum!  We are so happy you are having fun seeing what we share right along with us. 

Posted in , , by ekkii at Wednesday, 19 October 2011.

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