Cape Town based photographer Henrik Purienne is terribly talented, and he’s must be the best of them. His work opens sexual doors, with a style very provocateur, edgy, intimate and sexy wich remind us the spirit of 70′s. But even with a work like this, he keeps impeccable elegance in his photos with his models. He have a similar style with photographers such as Terry Richardson, Marc Van Dalen or Knotan.
Fashion Photography by Henrik Purienne
Cape Town based photographer Henrik Purienne is terribly talented, and he’s must be the best of them. His work opens sexual doors, with a style very provocateur, edgy, intimate and sexy wich remind us the spirit of 70′s. But even with a work like this, he keeps impeccable elegance in his photos with his models. He have a similar style with photographers such as Terry Richardson, Marc Van Dalen or Knotan.

Posted in
Fashion Photography
at Friday, 21 October 2011.