Celebrity Photography by Florian Schneider

Florian Schneider

In this bio, Florian Schneider will refer to himself in the third person. That way, he can write about his life as an endlessly important photographer, his countless and adventurous travels to exotic locales and his award-winning works, all without coming across as a shameless bragger.

Because it will appear as if someone else wrote this about him, as if Florian was most certainly important enough so other people write about his life and operations.

He will furthermore refer to his home as ’studio’, and to his beloved wife as ’studio manager’. Who will ever know?
He will also be sure to mention his european upbringing and his professional beginnings in London, as well as his trilingualism. Then he’ll casually throw in his extensive journeys to Asia and, of course, his photographer-obligatory stays in Africa, which will round up his hemingwayesque artists’ resume.

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Posted in by ekkii at Tuesday, 13 December 2011.

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