Jonathan Auch is a photojournalist whose work has had national and international exposure and recognition in galleries, museums, publications, film festivals and public television. As a freelance photographer, often working under extreme conditions, he documents the human condition on critical issues in the US, Caribbean, Mexico and other developing countries. The purpose of his work is to witness, testify and inform while contributing to the larger aesthetic of all activist photojournalists.
Documentary Photogaphy by Jonathan Auch
Jonathan Auch is a photojournalist whose work has had national and international exposure and recognition in galleries, museums, publications, film festivals and public television. As a freelance photographer, often working under extreme conditions, he documents the human condition on critical issues in the US, Caribbean, Mexico and other developing countries. The purpose of his work is to witness, testify and inform while contributing to the larger aesthetic of all activist photojournalists.

Posted in
Black and White Photography,
Documentary Photography,
at Thursday, 22 December 2011.