Documentary Photography by Jooney Woodward

Jooney Woodward

Beautiful shoots by London-based photographer Jooney Woodward, who has been named winner of the Taylor Wessing photographic portrait prize. Woodward won £12,000 for her portrait of 13-year-old Harriet Power, cradling her guinea pig Gentleman Jack, named after the Jack Daniel’s whiskey box in which he was given to her.
Jooney Woodward has a long and fruitful working relationship with Wales. On her roadtrips there, she deliberately eschewed photographing the rolling green valleys and other clichéd postcard images of the country for the “anti-beauty spots”. Her mission was to capture Welsh culture in its raw state. The winning image for 2011 was discovered while Woodward was scouting for subjects at Wales’ annual agricultural fest in Powys.
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Posted in by ekkii at Saturday, 17 December 2011.

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