{pretty on the inside}

Perfume bottles, shimmery powders, necklaces, silk throw cushions and shoes are overtaking the place, resulting in thoughts of Spring cleaning, and since my favourite tailored linen pants have disappeared, it may be time to explore the fashion abyss in the farthest corners of the closet . . .

. . . although am rather inspired {and a little tempted} to hide everything behind yards and yards of soft and beautifully patterned curtains . . .

{images: 1 - eddie ross; 2 - j.crew catalogue; 3 - Easy Elegance by Atlanta Bartlett, photography by Polly Wreford via bloomacious - layout by bloomacious, photo-editing by t.i.g.; 4 - apartment therapy; 5 - Daria Werbowy shot by Paolo Roversi for Vogue UK June 2007; 6 - Carolyn Quartermaine via flickr}

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