{autumn afternoons}

friday's happy weekend posts have somehow fallen away to weekend plans -- sometimes suitcases to pack or dinner reservations, but always excitement for the days ahead -- this weekend was moments in the still-warm september sun, afternoons in dusky cafés and evenings in candlelight, remembering rustling leaves and starlight and enveloped in the magic of autumn . . .

hope you had a beautiful weekend!

{a wrap-up of the previous week:}
* travel: chicago
* in the post: anna sheffield earrings
* a beautiful day + the winner is
* in the post: the sartorialist
* at home with: marc jacobs
* inspiration: new york fashion week
* at home with: carter smith

{images: stylist Marianne Cotterill's home scanned by Moodboard -- Elle Decoration September 2003, photography by JP Masclet}

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