Summer is in full bloom, and that means being whisked away in flowing chiffon dresses to park picnics that have been long-awaited, basking in the glowing sunshine. Summer means long leisurely walks in the city, it means holding hands watching the sunset over the lush poppy fields of the countryside, it is the time when we can slow down to savor every moment and connect with the outdoors again.

And of course we couldn't help but to notice it all being more beautified with flowers, flowers everywhere. Whether in lush park gardens flooded with sunlight, in the bright floral prints worn poolside, afternoon dinner party tables adorned with peony arrangements, or in the crowns of daisies in our hair, flowers remind us that planting a seed and putting in the hard work has the most alluring and divine results, and that the warmth of summer is finally here to delight in.

This week, in a special follow-up interview, we called on the expert of glamorous bouquets and blossoms, Denise Porcaro of Flower Girl New York, to share with us her:
{top five favourite flowers}
1. Lily of the Valley
"This blossom reminds me of my childhood, as it was always blooming in the spring on my block in my hometown of Jackson Heights, Queens; my grandmother’s home was on that same block and this flower always reminds me of her."
2. Honeysuckle
"This is another flower that takes me back to my childhood summers -- my aunt and uncle had the most beautiful honeysuckle vines behind their house; my mother showed me how to suck the honeysuckle out, and I was fascinated by that as a child. Their scent is intoxicating."
3. Grass
". . . reminds me of weekends in Long Island, taking in the summer sun and putting my toes in the grass."
4. Orchids
"There are so many different types of orchids, each unique and beautiful in their own way. Orchids remind me of going to the flower market when I first started my business -- I was just in awe of how amazing these flowers are and how many varieties of orchids there are. The vibrant colors they come in really struck me -- realizing that these vibrant colors actually grow in nature was such an "aha" moment for me!"
5. Garden Rose
"I just love the simplicity of this delicate flower. We take roses for granted because they are everywhere, but if you see a true garden rose, it is just so stunning when it is not processed."
{p.s.} Roséline adores all flowers, but especially roses & stargazer lilies; I love ranunculus, lilacs and peonies -- what are your favourite flowers?
~ laily
p r e v i o u s f a v o u r i t e f i v e s :
* actress & writer: shiva rose
* jeweler: camille eddera
* artist: kimia kline
* actress & fashion muse: chloë sevigny
* floral stylist, part 1: denise porcaro
* fashion photographer & illustrator: garance doré
* interior designer & architect: nina freudenberger* entrepreneurs: rent the runway
* designer: rachel ashwell
* interior designer: tricia foley
* photographer: romina shama
* food editor & author: donna hay
{images: 1 - fleur; 2 - the cherry blossom girl via pinterest; 3 - wyck garden; 3 - portrait of denise porcaro by garance doré}