Amazing Landscape Photography by Dan Ballard

{lookbook: kaufmanfranco fall/winter 2011}
. . . every once in a while, a collection comes along that is sheer perfection, and the kaufmanfranco fw11 collection, a stunning collaboration between designers ken kaufman and isaac franco, is just that -- with its sweeping camel coats and shimmery halter dresses, belted knits and sexy details, it is an altogether beautiful combination of rock & refined . . .
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{décor inspiration: tufted stripes & lavender silk}
. . . and it is nearly time again to stow away the light bed linens for cosy throws & warm duvets, and perhaps, for the warmer shades of coco & morning coffee, all perfectly intermingled with always elegant tufted stripes and ultra-glamorous lavender silk . . .
{p.s.} and at long last, a few lovely links
{image: the wall street journal via style chronicle}

{inspiration & tuesday musings}
. . . while guests from paris are currently on an adventurous little road trip for the next few days, a little time to get caught up on a few things, including all the beautiful things have not had a moment to share, until now, with all the traipsing around and waterfalls . . .
{p.s.} and if you are wondering, have fallen hopeless behind on emails once again, but hope to answer as many as possible within the next few days x
{image: photography by douglas friedman for c magazine via habitually chic}

{happy monday & a brand new week}
. . . it was one of those beautifully exhausting weekends filled with all the things of summertime -- rooftop dinner parties, waterfalls and picnics and late-august peaches, silvery clouds and astonishing riotously pink sunsets, sun-drenched drives with the top down along the coast, and most of all re-connecting with old friend & family once again after far too long . . .
happy monday! hope you had a wonderful weekend & that your week is off to a perfect start, roséline xo
{p.s.} a few late & lovely links soon, but for now, it's off to the shops, for it's p's birthday in two days' time, and have yet to find a gift!
a s p r o m i s e d : a f e w l o v e l y l i n k s
* décor inspiration: modern danish style
* print & pattern: gorman, australia
* at home: elegant fringes & watery hues
* architecture: made of concrete
* for crisp autumn mornings: lanvin's metallic tweed pleated skirt
* pretty, pretty: flowers everywhere
* in the kitchen: brunch
* at the office: brass index clips
* design: five from the ground
* fashion inspiration: goddess gowns for late-summer nights
* summer house: greek island, mykonos
* décor inspiration: on display
* notes from the weekend & a few lovely links
* table for two: ferrero rocher cupcakes
* at the shops: morning calm
* falling for fall: hermès orange
* favourite five: perfumer anne mcclain

{favourite five: perfumer anne mcclain}
per·fume/ˈpərˌfyo͞om/: the scent of something sweet-smelling
The word perfume is derived from the Latin phrase "per" meaning "through" and "fumus" meaning "smoke", and even the word itself were almost to take one away. . .
Perhaps that is the reason why the French gave the name parfum to the delightful smells that drift through the air when burning incense. Since early civilization, perfumes and scented oils have played a role in attraction and emotions -- a fragrance can create memories and also be a sign of individuality -- having a signature scent can leave a lasting impression, not to mention, it is one of the most luxurious things ever . . .
Ancient Romans indulged in applying perfume at least three times a day. Emperor Caracalla's Roman baths had rooms dedicated to housing jars of fragrant oils and essences in bottles of varying size. The animals were even perfumed -- during lavish feasts, birds were released from their cages to disseminate perfume from their wings; even draperies, candlesticks, tables, and cushions were all perfumed.
In the 18th century, Louis XV of France's court (known also as "le cour parfumee" / "the perfumed court") also daily perfumed not only their skin, but also their clothing, fans and furniture, for perfume was a substitute for soap and water.
Having studied the history of perfumery, Anne McClain of MCMC Fragrances creates scents with the past, present, and future in mind, by adding her own touch to perfumes that were developed throughout history and will live on in the future through memories created by those scents -- whether a delicate floral that conjures thoughts of a summer day or the scent of a musky bark that reminds of the author of a love letter . . .
Raised in Rhode Island and Japan, Anne moved to Grasse, the “perfume capital” of France, to study, intensively, the history, techniques, and practices of modern perfumery, before starting her own company in 2010. Now based in Brooklyn, NY, MCMC Fragrances carefully crafts perfumes in small batches and hand-bottles them in Anne’s own studio. Since the launch of the company, Anne's fragrances have won the praise of publications such as Wallpaper, Lucky, InStyle, New York Magazine, and the New York Times.
Offering a range of classes, Anne shares her knowledge of the art and craft of perfumery. Another way she creates a positive impact is through her collaborations with community organizations, creating special edition fragrances with Trust Art and the Ananda Harvest, to help benefit their causes.
After delighting in the intoxicating scents of each of her fragrances, we were interested to know more about the history that has inspired her work, and so we asked Anne:
{the top five most interesting things about the history of perfume:}
1. Egyptians wore scented wax cones on their heads to parties.
2. Louis XV demanded a different perfume every day.
3. The formula for Chanel No. 5 may have been a mistake! It's said that the perfumer's assistant mixed in ten times the amount of aldehyde by accident, but Coco Chanel loved it.
4. The first perfumes popular in France were used to scent leather gloves, not the body.
5. The very first mention of perfume is from 2,000 BC...Whoa! I'm still amazed by perfume sometimes!
* food editor & author: donna hay
* photographer: debi treloar
* painter: janet hill
* jewelry designer: suzie gallehugh
* artist: michelle armas
* jewelry designers: megan & moira flynn
* actress & writer: shiva rose
* jeweler: camille eddera
* artist: kimia kline
* actress & fashion muse: chloë sevigny
* floral stylist, part 1: denise porcaro
* floral stylist, part 2: denise porcaro
* fashion photographer & illustrator: garance doré
* interior designer & architect: nina freudenberger
* entrepreneurs: rent the runway
* designer: rachel ashwell
* interior designer: tricia foley
* photographer: romina shama
* jewelry designer: cc skye
* designer & ceramicist: reiko kaneko
~ laily
{all images: via the makers by jennifer causey; the definition for perfume from the merriam webster dictionary}

{table for two: ferrero rocher cupcakes}
. . . and because there are still starlit and sultry summer nights to celebrate: impossibly decadent and delectably elegant ferrero rocher cupcakes . . .
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{colour inspiration: hermès orange}
. . . while not quite ready to let go of the last of the summer whites just yet, somehow, in august's last fleeting moments, always and inescapably drawn to vibrant and tumultuous shades of orange . . .
{p.s.} more shades of hermès:
* at this moment
* french chic
* falling for fall
* portfolio clutch
* a charming mix
{images: midi skirt with equestrian print | roses}

Zinke - Faire Frou Frou New Arrivals!

{at the shops: morning calm, south korea}
. . . french green clay and organic persimmon leaf, oatmeal honey and calendula -- beautiful handmade soap by morning calm, in south korea, that is nearly too lovely to use . . .
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{a tuesday morning in august + a few lovely links}
. . . this past weekend was a last-minute & whirlwind trip to montréal with guests from out of town {a few photographs to follow} , and after a little time away, it's back to work and already the morning light seems to be a little different, and while shall always and forever be madly in love with summer, do quite adore tall leather boots and tweed and cashmere, and it shall be quite wonderful to dash out in a belted trench once again . . .
hope your week is off to a perfect start, roséline xo
{p.s.} still catching up, and so, a few very late & lovely links . . .
a f e w l o v e l y l i n k s
* colour inspiration: lacy & floral peach
* just in time for autumn: blazers & capelets
* at home: chandeliers & wallpaper, new orleans
* at the office: perfect for the new macbook air
* on the road: shades of pastel & wicker seats [!]
* lookbook: rodarte for opening ceremony
* diy: glitter tape {via creature comforts}
* stylist: anouk b
* collections: vintage seltzer bottles
* for cool september mornings: a grosgrain-trimmed wool blazer
* vintage silverware: before & after
* décor inspiration: room with a view
* soon, there will be: cozy mornings
{as always, a few things you may have missed}
* magazine moments: lovely little glimpses
* happy monday & a brand new week
* endless summer: a pale & pretty palette
* thoughts on a thursday & what are you reading?
* a perfect picnic & a few lovely links
* places: at the ballet, saint petersburg, russia
* travel inspiration: bella italia
{images: magdalena frąckowiak by terry richardson for h&m magazine fall 2011, scans by {this is glamorous}}